
If you have any further enquiries, please email Mrs Nicky Higgs, Head of History and Politics, at higgsn@salesiancollege.com

Why study Politics?

The study of Politics is important in an ever changing world. No two political courses are identical, highlighting the fast moving nature of this subject. If you have a social conscience, a keen ability to understand the world in which we live, and wish to understand more about democracy, beliefs and attitudes, then Politics is a fantastic subject to study.

What does the study of Politics involve?

We investigate key areas of:

  • Democracy and the ways in which this can be inhibited
  • Political participation or lack of!
  • Ideologies
  • The nature and structure of British Parliament
  • The constitution.
  • The roles of the Prime Minister and the Executive
  • How democracies can be applied in other countries (the USA.)

Why at Salesian College?

  • At Salesian College we encourage students from Years 7-13 to have a social conscience
  • We offer challenging and imaginative teaching
  • Smaller group sizes so teaching can be both individualised but there is enough room for inclusive debate
  • A good humoured, well-resourced and productive environment
  • Trips to parliament, the USA and visiting speakers

What does the course involve?

 YEAR 12

 Components 1: UK Politics including
 democracy, political parties, voting
 behaviours and the key ideologies.
 Worth 33.3% of the A Level.

 Components 2: The UK Government including
 the branches of government and the
 constitution. Worth 33.3% of the A Level.
 YEAR 13

 Components 1 and 2: The Ideologies.

 Component 3: The USA.
 Worth 33.3% of the A Level.

What is expected from Politics students?

Communication: you will need a broad range of knowledge regarding the UK to select the most relevant example to support your points about the theoretical side of politics. Reading the news with a range of opinions (a range of newspapers or sources) is crucial. Politicians are effective communicators, they are articulate, well organised and reach justified conclusions.

We require you to think independently, be able to analyse evidence and recognise bias whilst supporting and developing a well-honed argument.

Politicians will be able to draw upon a wide range of knowledge, read the press critically, and seek to be fully informed before making a decision.

What can you study with Politics at A Level?

Politics can be combined with ALL subjects and we welcome students who study a wide range of subjects. Politics is a subject with the highly sought after transferable analytical skills and complements subjects such as Maths and the sciences. It particularly relates well to History, Economics, Business Studies, Geography and Philosophy and Ethics, drawing on and supporting the range of skills developed in these subjects.

What can an A Level in Politics lead to?

Career in:

  • The Civil Service
  • Parliament
  • Government social research officer
  • Market research
  • Public Relations
  • Public Affairs consultancy
  • Social research
  • Business development
  • Charity work
  • Law enforcement
  • Accountancy
  • The financial industry
  • Journalism

All of the University courses and careers mentioned are enhanced by the study of Politics at A Level.