Walking with your Son
Pastoral Care is at the core of a Salesian education. The College regards education as a partnership involving the student, his/her family and the College. All three work in harmony to produce the young gentlemen and ladies of whom we are justly proud.
To ensure that all students experience individual pastoral care, Heads of Year and Form Tutors take a keen responsibility for the day-to-day welfare and progress of each student, helping them develop socially, academically and spiritually throughout their time at the College.
A structured programme of Personal, Social and Health Education supports students in developing their understanding of key areas affecting young people such as relationships, anti-bullying, financial awareness, study skills, positive mental health and resilience, substance misuse, social networking and media.
Good relationships and mutual respect are the cornerstone of a Salesian education and the aim of Pastoral Care within the College is to support all students on this journey.
"At Salesian College, following the example set for us by St John Bosco, we do not push our students from behind nor lead from ahead, but walk side by side with our young boys with a gentle hand of guidance as we accompany them towards adulthood."