Scholarships & Bursaries
Scholarships are available for entry both at Year 7 and at Sixth Form.
Year 7 Scholarships
There are 10 Academic Scholarships which are awarded based on performance in the Entrance Examination only. Scholarship offers are sent at the same time as the Admissions Offers to all prospective Year 7 boys at the end of January. The current scholarship is 10% reduction in fees for Years 7-11.
Sixth Form Scholarships
Up to eight scholarships are awarded for entry to the Sixth Form. The categories and awards are:
- Salesian Ethos Scholarships
- Outstanding Ability Scholarships
- Academic Excellence Scholarships
Each individual scholarship is for a reduction in fees of £1,500 annually for each of the two years of Sixth Form study subject to satisfactory performance and review at the end of the Lower Sixth.
Means-tested bursaries are available, following success in the entrance examination and subject to the entrance criteria. Bursaries are available for entry to all year groups for families needing financial assistance. Bursaries may also be awarded to existing parents if their financial circumstances deteriorate.