
The annual College tuition fees for all students in Years 7 - 13 for 2024/2025 are £15,438 (£5,146 per term)*.

*exclusive of VAT. From 1 January 2025, VAT at 20% will be applicable to School Fees.

The Governors require that fees are paid in full before the start of the term to which they relate. However, for parents wishing to spread the cost, we offer 10 monthly payments via direct debit from September and on the same day each month until the following June.  

A non-refundable registration and examination fee of £125 is payable upon registering for entry**.

**exclusive of VAT. From 1 January 2025, VAT at 20% will be applicable to the registration fee.

Optional Extras
  • Coach Transport
  • Compulsory lunches for all students - the charge for lunch for academic year 2024/25 is £4.75 per day, and this is charged termly
  • Educational Visits, Field Courses and other Trips
  • Public Examination Fees
  • Stationery and other materials
  • Subject specific magazines
  • Swimming (Year 7 only)
  • Peripatetic Music Lessons - payable to the Tutor

A full term's notice in writing of the withdrawal of a pupil from the College is required; alternatively a term's fees is payable in lieu of notice. The same notice is required for home to College coach transport.

The Governors review the fees each year and any change takes effect from the Autumn term. Fee increases are routinely notified to parents by the start of the Summer Term.

The Governors reserve the right to increase the fees at times other than annually if circumstances warrant it. Payment for public examination fees and all other extras will be added to each student's account.

'Pupils of all ages display excellent levels of knowledge, skills and understanding in a wide variety of subjects'

ISI Report 2022